Case story
Paving - Asphalt interlayer
Austria, Weins - Persenbeug
Rehabilitation Section of B3 Danube federal road with PGM-G
During peak hours, sections of the so-called Danube federal road B3 are some of the busiest roads in Austria. The existing road pavement was a concrete slab, several decades old, which had undergone local repair on numerous occasions. In some areas, the condition of the road surface was in such a critical state that traffic safety could no longer be guaranteed.
The existing concrete pavement was stress-relieved and an 8 cm-thick profiling layer placed. Rehabilitation was carried out by placing an asphalt layer and incorporating TenCate‘s multifunctional asphalt interlayer PGM G. In a single product, TenCate Polyfelt® PGM G 100/100 combines the functions of stress relief, waterproofing (barrier) and reinforcement in accordance with ÖNORM EN 15381.
Milling operations and possibly required preparation of the subgrade for a new base and wearing course layer could be dispensed with entirely. Thus cost for removal and disposal were eliminated. This allowed a speedier and more economical management of the remediation project. Additionally, the total closure of the road, normally unpopular with residents and commuters, was not necessary. Only one side of the road had to closed, resulting in a minimum of impairment for the traffic.